Our speedway consultant Rob Painter and Ben Barker.
Revolution Speedway - Rob Painter
Lee Richardson
Tony Richardson
Our Riders on race
Sławomir Drabik - Zbigniew Brzeziński
" Linmot cables are the best! " - Ben Barker
LINMOT Sp. z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa
ul. Wileńska 56
42-280 Częstochowa
VAT ID: PL 5732840297
tel. +48 34 32-40-147
email: linmot@linmot.pl
REGON: 242801764
PLN: PL 41 1050 1142 1000 0090 9300 5867
EUR: PL 47 1050 1142 1000 0091 3745 7561
USD: PL 90 1050 1142 1000 0091 3745 7660
Our speedway consultant Rob Painter and Ben Barker.
Revolution Speedway - Rob Painter
Lee Richardson
Tony Richardson
Our Riders on race
Sławomir Drabik - Zbigniew Brzeziński